Monday, November 1, 2010

video of Chris landing the sailboat

Here is a link to the video of Chris landing the sailboat on the beach,
while narrowly missing crashing into the boathouse and then getting the keel
up just in time:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Georgian Bay water nymphs

Kenneth R Evans


Kenneth R Evans

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

where have all the fly swatters gone?

They all seem to have mysteriously disappeared...  Does anyone have any leads in the case of the missing fly swatters?  They are desperately needed to fend off the ants and wood roaches

Neverending fun with the canoe

Kenneth R Evans

Are we not men..?

Kenneth R Evans

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Also seeking the owner of this jaunty terry robe

(belt tie missing)

Who is the owner of this handsome windbreaker?

Hanging on the back of the bedroom door. Any takers??

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010



Here is my summary of how to use the TV and stereo at the cottage.

The TV has its own speakers, but we have turned those off so that we can
play the sound through the stereo, instead. The sound is better this
way, but it means that you need to adjust the sound by turning the knob
on the stereo receiver. To play the TV sound on the stereo, the stereo
receiver should be set to the input labelled D-TV.

In regard to the TV, the way to change the input is to push the button
on the remote which says Source. Using the arrow keys on the remote,
you can then scroll through the various options, and when you find the
one you want, press the button on the remote which is in the middle of
the four directional arrows, and it will then select the highlighted
option. The options here are VCR, PC (for the computer with iTunes) and
HDMI - BD (which is for the blue-ray player, as BD stands for Blue-ray

By the way, to play iTunes on the computer, you need to do the
following. Turn on the computer. On the TV, select PC as described
above, which will then have the TV act as a monitor for the computer.
Then use the mouse to open up iTunes on the screen and then press the
play button. Finally, to get the audio to play on the stereo, press the
button labelled Tape-Mon (for Monitor), which will then switch the input
to the computer. When you are finished, and want to switch the stereo
back to the TV, press this button twice, and the stereo receiver should
display, again, D-TV, which shows that the receiver is now receiving
audio input from the TV.

I hope that is sufficiently clear. If it is not, then save these
instructions since you may need them sometime!!

- Chris

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy May 2-4

Clear skies, beautiful sunshine, 30 degrees in the shade. Perfect day
for a swim!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Too bad, so sad...

What a shame that the guys are "snowed in" and have to extend their boys weekend by an extra night.  How they must be suffering!  Oh well, I, for one, am counting down the days until next weekend when - Friday morning til Monday night - I can put my feet up, relax and enjoy my own "weekend off"!!!  No laundry, making lunches, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, making beds, cleaning, driving kids to activities, correcting homework or removing cat barf from the carpet!  Hooray! 


Kenneth R Evans


Fresh snow
Kenneth R Evans

Friday, January 29, 2010


Steve's brought fish... It's 20 below...
Kenneth R Evans


Kenneth R Evans

Sunday, January 24, 2010